What Temperature Should I Set My Thermostat In Texas?


It’s one of the oldest questions in the world; what temperature should you set your thermostat at? There’s been a lot of research conducted by all kinds of different groups on this question, and there are some definite answers.

Despite all the controversy, there are some concrete facts about what temperature is best to maintain your home at for most people’s needs. If you live in Texas, you know how cold it can get in the winter despite its Southern locale, and you will want to set your thermostat at different temperatures in the summer and winter months.

What Temperature Should You Set Your Thermostat In Texas?

There are all kinds of factors that go into this decision, so here we are going to let you know the best temperatures for the summer and winter months based on several criteria.

Best Temperature To Set Your Thermostat At In The Wintertime

If you work during the daytime, you will want to set the temperature at a lower level during the winter months. The normal temperature you will want to keep your home at ranges from around 68 to 72 degrees.

When leaving for work during the wintertime, you will want to reduce that by 7 to 10 degrees. If you reduce it by more than that, it will take more energy to heat up to reheat the home, and it will be less cost-efficient to do so overall.

If you stay at home all the time during the winter months, you will want to keep the thermostat at a steady 68 to 72 degrees, depending on how warm you want your home. For the best energy savings, keep the thermostat at 68° during the winter months, except when you go to work when you will reduce it by 7 to 10 degrees.

Best Temperature To Set Your Thermostat In The Summer

In the summer, you will want to set your thermostat at about 78 degrees, as the heat in Texas will cause your air conditioning to work overtime much of the time. Keeping your thermostat about 78 degrees in the summer will optimize the amount of energy you spend keeping your home cool without being uncomfortable.

You don’t want to change your thermostat settings during the summer; you will want it to stay constant even if you go to work every day, as it costs too much to cool down the whole house despite the temperature difference.

More Information On Heating And Cooling Needs

This will especially be a factor except for exceptionally large houses with lots of rooms. However, it comes down to Newton’s Law of Cooling, and it costs more to heat or cools a home depending on the energy your HVAC system uses.

Homes will lose heat or cooling based on other factors such as proper insulation, the condition of doorways and windows, and other factors. It’s important to keep your home at the right temperature for comfort for most everyone. However, you should avoid large spikes in temperature change.

For more information, you can visit our website today and bookmark the page for future reference!
